A few years ago now, I gave a talk at the College of Psychic Studies in London called just that – “What’s Weighing you Down?” I explained that, in my experience, no amount of dieting or even bariatric surgery will work if the underlying emotional root causes of holding on to excess weight have not been addressed.
What are these “underlying emotional causes”? They could be anything from an abusive childhood to bullying at school; from the forced termination of a pregnancy to a stillbirth or loss of a newborn baby. It could be an abusive relationship or rejection by a loved one ….. It is all so painful, we build a wall, a layer of comfort and / or protection. At an unconscious level, some call this the “heart wall”, and that is a good description. But there is equally a physical “wall” – that “spare tyre” around the middle, which just so happens to be where we find the solar plexus, the energy centre of our emotions.
I am not saying that a sensible diet and exercise are not important, they are certainly central to your overall health and wellbeing. But what I am saying is that your mental and emotional wellbeing is just as important, and this can only be tackled through the unconscious.
I have done a lot of work with clients who are holding on to excess weight, and the process is invariably the same: the client is put into a deep state of relaxation, and I talk direct to their unconscious. The root cause is usually a combination of a spirit “passenger” with a sweet tooth or a craving for a particular type of food; a past life in which the client had issues with food, or lack of it, and may even have died of starvation; and any number of emotional traumas in this current lifetime that need to be identified and healed.
If, at the end of those treatments, the client feels that he or she would like to have a hypnotic gastric band fitted (a “belt and braces approach”), then I will do that. The process is not nearly as risky as bariatric surgery; it is non-invasive and it takes just one two-hour session. BUT I will only do that with a client when they have been through the other processes, otherwise we are back to where we came in – “What’s Weighing You Down?”
You could sign up for a gym membership. You could start another fashionable diet.
Or you could look at things in a completely different way and start from the inside out: that way, the issues are resolved once and for all.
Feel free to give me a call – 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512: I’m always happy to have a chat.
I’m based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex and I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre, also in Haywards Heath.