Whatever the root cause of your phobia …

.. we’ll find it and set you free


and hypnotherapy can cut them all down to size!

We are all afraid of certain things and, in most cases, there are perfectly understandable reasons for those fears. A child who almost drowned when a big wave knocked her over the first time she went into the sea will probably not be very keen to repeat that experience, and that reluctance can develop into a fear of the sea or a more general fear of water. Ditto a child bitten by a dog.

A phobia is more extreme: it is an irrational or out-of-proportion fear of something. Some phobias can completely take over the life of the sufferer – an agoraphobic, for instance, feels huge anxiety about being in places or situations from which there is no escape, often translated into a fear of open or public places. This can lead people to live their lives unable to leave the security of their own homes.

I have just been re-reading Roger Woolger’s fabulous book “Other Lives, Other Selves” in which he talks about how common it is for all kinds of fears and phobias to be traced back to previous lifetimes. The same applies to behavioural traits and obsessions – very often the person is repeating patterns set in previous lives, be it addictions, abusive relationships or unhealthy eating habits.

The term “regression” simply means “going back” and it may be that the root cause of a particular issue can be found in very early childhood or indeed in the womb: this is especially common if an unborn baby / very young child picks up on the fact that they are not wanted, or perhaps they are a girl instead of a boy, or they are not perfect.

In many cases, however, tracing the root cause of the fear or phobia may lead us into a past life – or more than one. This should not be a cause for concern – the whole process is totally safe and secure, and leads to insights that help the client to understand the situation and resolve the outstanding issues.

related content:  fears and phobias

If you feel that you, or someone you know, could benefit from getting rid of an irrational fear or a phobia, get in touch. Call me on 07597 020 512 or email me on:  judy@effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk . I’m always happy to have a chat, totally free and totally confidential.

I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.

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