Sojourn of the Soul workshop, College of Psychic Studies, Sunday 6th March

I shall be leading a workshop in the beautiful surroundings of the College of Psychic Studies in London on Sunday 6th March on “The Sojourn of the Soul – the importance of that time in between lives”.

In human terms, birth is the beginning and death is the end. For the soul there is no end, merely a passing from one state of being to another as it sheds the heavy overcoat of a physical body and returns to its true light state of pure energy.

During this workshop we will explore the soul’s sojourn, from when it passes from one human body until it joins another in its next reincarnation. You will have the opportunity of experiencing this “In-Between Life” for yourself in the group regression at the end of the workshop, reminding you of your life’s purpose in this incarnation.

Apart from experiencing that pure, unconditional love – which is beautifully emotional – you will come away with a much clearer understanding of who you are and why you are here.

The link below should take you to full details of the event: numbers are limited, so if you are interested, please don’t wait too long to book!

Sojourn of the Soul





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