General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation has come into force: this provides strict guidelines relating to personal data and how privacy is protected.
In accordance with GDPR, I would like to reassure existing and potential clients that I take the gathering, handling and storage of personal data very seriously, as I always have done.
As part of the first session, I ask for certain basic personal information from a client including name, address, contact details and date of birth.
During the first and subsequent sessions, as the client shares details of their particular issues and answers questions I may ask, further personal information is gathered, and this is kept on the client’s confidential file.
This information helps to shape the therapy sessions, based on hypnotherapy and associated processes.
I keep client files safe and secure, and all data is kept completely confidential.
No client data is ever passed to any third party, unless there is a legal requirement to do so.
Client files are usually kept for a period of seven years from the last appointment, and are then securely destroyed.
Clients may ask to see their files at any time and I am happy to do this.
If any data in the file is incorrect, it will be corrected immediately.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like further information:
Judy Sharp
01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512