We all lose things. Sometimes we need help to find them again, especially if they are a bit more complicated than an umbrella or a pair of gloves.
I help clients find things they have lost by searching in their unconscious.
It’s a matter of tracking back to find the real root cause, and resolving it at source.
That releases the trauma and allows the client to move on, free to enjoy life to the full.
What sort of things have I helped people to find?
Libido, for instance. We found that squashed down and crushed in a past life, and very painful it was too.
Freedom to drive over bridges. That went back to the 1500s and a nasty fall off the castle battlements.
Freedom from a gambling addiction: that was what I call a spirit “passenger” making its influence felt.
There was even a newspaper headline recently saying that Bitcoin investors were turning to hypnosis to try and remember their blockchain codes …. well, if it works for that, it can work for you, too, whatever you’re trying to find!
If you know someone who would benefit from finding something, do give them my numbers: 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512: I’m always happy to have a chat. Or point them to my website: www.effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk .
I am based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, and I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre, also in Haywards heath.