What I call soul retrieval is when we look at the traumas in this lifetime that have caused a fragment of the client’s soul to split off and stay stuck “out there” somewhere. With the client in a deep state of relaxation, we go back and find those fragments and separate them from the negative emotions. We bring home the lost fragments and re-integrate them, and we get rid of the negative emotions for good.
Sounds easy, doesn’t it? It can be a very intense session – indeed, sometimes it takes more than one session to deal with all the traumas – but it is hugely cathartic and the client invariably feels much lighter as a result, having released massive amounts of “baggage”.
A lot of the work is done, in that deep state of relaxation, using visualisation to connect with what has been stuffed down and hidden away for so long. For instance, I have done a lot of work with women who were abused as children and even into their adult life by members of their own family. In some cases, when they talk to me, it is the first time in their whole life that they have felt safe enough to let it all out – and you can imagine the enormous release and relief that it brings at physical, mental and emotional levels. When I am working with this sort of client, and when we find (for instance) the five-year old, I don’t ask, “What happened?” I don’t need to know that the little girl was wearing a pretty pink frock when daddy or uncle did something they should not have done. What I ask is, “How is she feeling?” It’s a very different question. The little one may be feeling confused, afraid, alone and guilty; she may be in physical and emotional pain. I separate her, release her, from those emotions, and let the client (in that deep state of relaxation) “bring her home”.
We go through this for each year in which there has been a trauma.
How do I know which years to look at? I certainly don’t rely on the client! As soon as I start to talk about this process, I can see the client’s mind starting to whirr into action – “oh yes, when I was 10, this happened . . . when I was 16, that happened . . . and then there was that thing at 25 . . . ” Nope, I don’t want any of that. I rely on my pendulum to identify the relevant years, once the client is safely in that deep state of relaxation – and the pendulum is invariably right. I sometimes use IMRs too – Ideo Motor Responses, where I ask the unconscious to move one of the client’s fingers for a “yes” response. But I don’t like to put clients under pressure, even in that deep state, and I have a nice rapport with the pendulum.
What happens to all the emotions that have been released? They all get collected up at the end and burned like a sack of old weeds. Burning is very powerful: it breaks down and destroys; it cleanses, and it allows that negative energy to be transmuted into pure unconditional love.
Once all the fragments of the soul have been brought home, they are cleansed and healed and put back where they belong- I use the analogy of putting the missing pieces back into a jigsaw puzzle, until the jigsaw of the soul is once more complete.
There are always plenty of tissues at hand for this work!
If this resonates with you, please get in touch – use the form on the Contact page or email at: judy@effective-hypnotherapy.co.uk .