Irrational Fears and Phobias

When I talk about past life regression – which I do, given half a chance – some people’s eyes glaze over, I can almost see their ears closing. Others, fortunately, are much more open to the idea that a wide range of issues in this life may, in fact, have their root cause in a past life.

Irrational fears and phobias are typical examples – and I have had clients come to me with a whole range of phobias! Common ones include fear of flying, heights, water, crowds, dogs and, of course, spiders. Less common but still not unusual are fear of crossing bridges, any form of surgery or needles, having something around the neck and being alone in the dark.

Usually, people find a way of coping with these fears until such time as they interfere with life so much that something has to be done. I worked with a lady last year who had just become a grandmother, and was overjoyed. Unfortunately, her new grandson was on the other side of the world, and she had a severe fear of flying. If she wanted to see her grandson, she would have to overcome that phobia!
The interesting thing about fear of flying is that there are variations on the theme: for some it is take-off and landing, while for others it is not being in control. For this particular client, it was being in an enclosed space and not being able to get out, a sense of being trapped.

The answer was found, as is so often the case, in a past life. In this instance, it was back in the 1600s when the client was a man in India. His life unfolded as a tale of riches to rags to riches as he lost his rich wife (and her dowry), but managed to marry off his eldest daughter to a wealthy merchant. The  man got caught up in an earthquake in Calcutta, and was trapped under the rubble, unable to get out. He was not found, and died there in the rubble.
The negative emotions were released and healed, and the client came back to full consciousness feeling much lighter.

About a month later I received an email from her, to say that she had taken a short flight  “to make sure it worked” and that she had just returned from that all-important first visit to her grandson on the other side of the world: how lovely is that!

This lady had never done any past life work before, but she was open to the idea, and it certainly worked for her! It could work for you too – if you have an irrational fear or phobia that is holding you back from living life to the full, give me a call on 07597 020 512. I’m always happy to chat – it’s totally free, and totally confidential. I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre in Haywards Heath; from The Practice Rooms in Hove; and from a lovely stand-alone treatment room in Ifield (Crawley).
I look forward to hearing from you!





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