How could Hypnotherapy help you?

There seems to be a perception “out there” that people who come to see someone like me must be “strange” in some way, or into “all that woo woo stuff”.
Let me set the record straight on that. Some people who come to see me are indeed on their own spiritual journey, and I am very happy to work with them. Using my blend of hypnotherapy, past life, spirit release and soul retrieval work can help them overcome blockages and shift them up a notch or two.
However, the majority of people who come to see have not given much thought to their spirituality at all, they just want to sort out whatever issue is holding them back. And that is absolutely fine with me too.

There are many ways in which hypnotherapy can be used to help people: indeed that is one of the reasons I was attracted to it all those years ago. Like a tradesman with a toolbox full of tried and tested tools, I will use whichever techniques and processes I feel will be most effective to resolve the particular issue I am dealing with. My objective is always to get to the root cause of the issue and to resolve it at source.

What are the typical types of problems that people present me with?
Fears and phobias is a common one: anything from a fear of flying to fear of success – a phobia is, after all, a more exaggerated, irrational fear. Very often this can lead back to a past life – the very idea may sound strange to some people, but once they have experienced one or more of their previous lives, they are totally convinced!

Weight loss is high on the list too. There is so much hype and media / peer pressure nowadays for people to be slim to the point of being skinny, that even some people I would say are “normal” want to lose weight. I do work with those who are genuinely seriously overweight and we aim to find the real underlying reason why the client is holding on to that excess weight. If needed, and after looking at the other issues, I will “fit” a hypnotic gastric band to help with weight control.

“Emotional issues” covers a wide range of challenges that people face, from anxiety and stress to feeling overwhelmed with situations or relationships. Here again I always work with the client to uncover the root causes and deal with those. There may be a couple of “spirit passengers” having an influence – again, some people think this is a very strange concept. To me, it is totally natural, and results can range from subtle but “something has definitely shifted” to quite dramatic – kicking a gambling addiction, losing a craving for cakes and biscuits, for instance. That is just the starting point, of course, and we can look back at past lives, investigate deep-seated belief systems or even talk to parts of the body if appropriate.

Pain control – pain is actually a construct in the brain and, as such, may be de-constructed. It should always be remembered of course that pain is the body’s alarm system and as such should not be switched off completely. I would work with a client to put in place a new “programme” to give the client control, the ability to turn down the pain when needed: this is done through strong hypnotic suggestions, visualisations and similar techniques.

Giving up Smoking – generally speaking, this can be done in one session with hypnotherapy. But again, I would always talk with the client to see what else is going on – someone who is very stressed or has other emotional, mental or physical issues to deal with will not find it as easy to give up as someone whose issues have been dealt with.

If you feel that my blend of hypnotherapy, past life, spirit release and soul retrieval work could help you, give me a call on 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512. I am always happy to have a chat: there’s no commitment, as I understand it is important for a client to find just the right therapist to work with.
I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre, Haywards Heath, West Sussex.


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