Well, OK, it was only a small room, but even so, I was delighted to see some brand new faces mingling with regular Indigos for my talk at Chequer Mead last week.
It was just two hours, so there was only time to skim across the surface of this vast, fascinating topic that is a passion of mine.
The good news is that I shall be arranging a full-day workshop, similar to the one I ran at the College of Psychic Studies last October, so that we can go into more detail about Past Lives, Life between Lives and Soul Groups. There will lots of case studies, including some recorded extracts, time for questions and discussions – and time too for a group regression, so everyone has the opportunity to experience a past life for themselves.
If you would like to put your name down for this workshop, please let me know. I am aiming at either June or September, depending on venue availability – so let me know which works best for you.