Fears, Phobias and Past Lives

Of all the issues that can be resolved by past life work, fears & phobias are by far the most common.  There are so many different fears & phobias, there is a full A – Z list of them, all with long names. But you don’t need to understand the long word to know that your life is impacted by one.
Fear of flying is a very common one. Within that people can be fearful of the take-off and landing; the fact that they are not in control, not in the driving seat; or the fact that they are stuck in a confined space with no way out for the duration of the flight. Nowadays of course there are other concerns too – rowdiness or drunken behaviour by some passengers; and even the threat of terrorism.

Let’s face it, we humans are not meant to be 30,000 feet up in the air, we are meant to have both feet firmly on the ground, so a little anxiety is normal. But when it becomes overwhelming, it is time to do something about it.

Fear of heights is another very common one – this can show up as not wanting to drive over high bridges, or walk along high cliffs or mountain paths, or going on things like the London Eye.

Then there are things like fear of fire or water, of enclosed spaces or open spaces.

I myself suffered from severe claustrophobia years ago. It was a past life regression session with a hypnotherapist that resolved it, in just one session. We found a life of mine back in ancient Egypt where I had been shut into an underground storage room and left to die. Experiencing for myself how powerful that whole process was, and how effective, made me decide to learn more about it so that I could help people too.

And here I am now, having been doing just that for more than 25 years. It’s not all I do of course, I work in what I call “the long grass” or “the outfield” of hypnotherapy, with spirit release and soul retrieval work. I work at a deep soul level to bring about shifts and changes that will improve the quality of life for my clients. But past life work is my passion, I just love the way in which it frees up my clients to get on with their lives.

My book Past Life Healing, published by Local Legend, (www.local-legend.co.uk) brings together what I have learned over these last 25 years, and includes more than 30 stories from my own case files. The book has a cover price of just £8 and is available through bookshops all over the world and also online.

If you have been curious about past life work – what’s involved, how it works, where it all started – then this is the book for you!



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