The vast majority of people have some kind of phobia and there is a very long list of them with their official very long names! Among the most common are, for instance, fear of flying; fear of crowds and / or public speaking; fear of enclosed spaces; fear of fire or water; fear of particular animals and so on.
For much of the time people with a phobia can somehow work around it but when it reaches a point when the phobia is having a negative impact on that person’s life, that is the time to do something about it!
In my many years of working with hypnotherapy and past life regression, I have to say that almost invariably a phobia can be traced back to a past life trauma. Not always of course – a fear of dogs may come from having been attacked or bitten by a dog in childhood – but I would still check to see if that chimes with a similar incident in a past life.
Past life work is my passion, and it still makes me smile when I work with a client and uncover one or more past lives that explain the root cause of the given phobia. The examples are endless, and all make perfect sense: let me share a few with you to give you an idea.
A woman who told me she was fine being by the sea but could not stand being by a lake or a river went back to a life as a street urchin in London. The young boy ran errands for an inn-keeper in exchange for board and lodging, often delivering packages on a strict, “ask no questions” basis. A few years later, the boy was doing similar work for one of the London gangs, and had done something to upset them. His punishment was to be tied hand and foot and thrown into the Thames: not a nice ending.
A woman came to see me with a complicated cocktail of emotional issues, including not feeling loved or wanted; an obsession with food; and wanting to have children but at the same time being very unsure about that whole thing. We found a very short, sad life where she was a young baby who was just one mouth too many to feed, and who had been thrown down a deep well and buried alive. Can you imagine the feelings and emotions of that tiny infant? The darkness, the fear, the sense of not being loved or wanted? The hunger, the weight of the earth and the suffocating as the poor little mite was buried. Yes, it was very traumatic, and we did a lot of healing – but it really did show where many of the issues came from. “Lighter and brighter” is a very typical response once that type of session has been processed.
A man whose issues included a sense of loss and depression, and who in this life is a great nature lover, found a life as a native American Indian at a time when the tribes were under threat of attack and invasion by soldiers. As an Elder of the Tribe, he was responsible for trying to find the best solution for the people, including negotiating with other tribes to join against the common enemy. There was a feeling of living in times of enormous change over which there was no control; of destruction of the environment by the invaders; and of not being able to protect his people. The death was relatively peaceful, surrounded by other Elders, but considerable wisdom came through from that lifetime with a broader understanding of his affinity with nature, and also put that sense of loss and depression to bed.
Very often people who are holding on to excess weight have starved to death in a previous life; those with a fear of heights have perhaps been pilots who were shot down in battle, or going further back soldiers who fell off castle battlements.
Does it all sound very depressing? I don’t mean it to. When you consider that we have all had many, many lives, most of which have been “ordinary” and some of which may have ended in trauma, it puts it all in context. By finding the trauma, releasing it at source and doing the relevant healing work, it allows the client to move forward with his or her life free of the the baggage that they have been carrying for far too long!
If any of this chimes with you; if you feel it’s time to tackle that phobia that’s holding you back – give me a call now on 07597 020 512., or email me on: I’m always happy to talk you through past life regression or any other aspect of my work: totally free and totally confidential.
I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.