Fear, Anxiety, Overwhelm – and Change

Are you feeling a tad “out of sorts” at the moment? Or perhaps totally confused might be more to the point? I speak with so many people who are feeling completely overwhelmed with life in general, they feel helpless, out of control, anxious, even fearful about what is going on around them.
Does that sound familiar? If so, take some comfort from knowing that you are not alone, you have not done anything wrong, it’s not your fault.
At least part of the reason is “out there” in the wider universe, where there are huge energetic changes taking place that affect not only the planet but everything and everyone on it. We are being blasted by energy and, as we are energetic beings ourselves, we are reacting to that. Does that sound a bit whacky? I’m sure it does to some people, but scientists will confirm that the planet is moving through a different part of the solar system, and through a photon belt.
We are in a period of enormous change, at many levels. We are being invited – encouraged – urged – to deal with our “stuff”. Lots of people are, indeed, “clearing out” in one way or another, be it clearing out the shed or the attic; leaving that dead-end job at last; finding the courage to leave that destructive relationship; moving house – whatever it may be, it is part of the process. But it is only a part. What you also need to do is to clear out your emotional attic. This can be just as painful as sorting out all those physical boxes you haven’t looked at in years – and just as cathartic too! It’s time to really look at all the emotional garbage you have been carrying around for years, all the “stuff” that has become part of you but that you don’t really need.

I can help you get rid of all that old “stuff”, make it go away, for good. You will feel lighter, brighter and much more positive, ready to face whatever this new adventure may bring. If that resonates with you, give me a call on 07597 020 512. I’m always happy to have a chat – it’s totally free and totally confidential.
I work from Vinings Natural Health Centre in Haywards Heath; from The Practice Rooms in Hove; and from a lovely stand-alone space in Ifield (Crawley). I look forward to hearing from you!

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