We start collecting baggage from an early age, taking on board “stuff” from parents, teachers, lovers, bosses … it piles up, weighing us down, stifling our creativity, trapping our true selves inside cages made of guilt, self-doubt, fear and pain.
Just imagine how much lighter, brighter and more enjoyable life could be if all that baggage could be left behind!
That’s what I help clients to do, and it’s fabulous to see the transformation, to see them come alive as they re-discover who they really are.
One lady, in a deep state of relaxation, went back to the time just after she was born. The very first words this little baby heard her father say were “I didn’t want a girl, I wanted a boy.” She carried that weight throughout her life, until we let it go.
Other clients know that they were not wanted, they were “accidents” – and sometimes their parents tell the child so in no uncertain terms as it grows up. Imagine the weight of that!
Some clients share stories of being abused by parents or relations. Often they carry the shame, guilt, confusion and anger as excess weight or as physical issues. And often they have never been able to talk about it freely. The process of releasing all of that in safe surroundings is hugely cathartic, leaving people lighter, brighter, more confident in themselves, and able to move on with a fresh perspective.
If you know someone who might benefit from letting go of some emotional baggage, please pass on my numbers – 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512. I’m always happy to have a chat, completely free of charge of course, and with no commitment.