Sometimes clients will write me a letter – or, more commonly nowadays, send me an email – to let me know what changes have come about in their lives as a result of their sessions with me. It is always a pleasure to receive such feedback. A handful are reproduced here, to give a flavour of the wide range of issues that have been resolved.
Names have been removed to maintain client confidentiality. First, a selection of “one-liners” and then a few slightly longer explanations.
“I’m more present, more awake.”
“I left (the session) not knowing up or down …. There was lots of processing, and now I am lighter, happier and more joyful.”
“I haven’t felt this good in my life. I’ve turned the corner.”
“The work you’ve done so far has been an enormous help, thank you very much!”
“It’s easier for me to accept who I am. I’m happy with who I am, and I’m easier to get on with.”
“I really enjoyed the session, and did indeed feel the benefit of it. With regards my back, it felt very much improved straight away as you know, with a feeling of freeness that I had not experienced for years. ….. Also re the food issue, that seems to be improving too. Initially there didn’t seem to be any difference in the way I felt about food, but maybe a week or so later, it was like a switch had been flicked in my head, and I just felt all of a sudden that I ‘didn’t need to be fat anymore’ ….. It would be lovely for this to be something that I can leave behind in the past. Or perhaps more usefully, something that can be consigned to the mental rubbish bin as it is something that is now no longer required in my life.”
“I’m calmer, more relaxed. I’m able to let go, I’m finding it easier to make decisions.
My back is feeling much better. I have had problems with my right wrist for years, it is now loosening up and becoming more flexible.”
“Food portion sizes are now smaller, I’m feeling fuller sooner. I’ve definitely got more energy, and I’m doing more. I’m sleeping well at night. I’ve moved on from guilt and anger.
“I’m good enough for myself.”
“I just wanted to drop you an email to let you know how successful my sessions were.
I don’t think I will ever enjoy flying but at least I am able to fly. It was so nice to visit my son (and new grandchild) and this was made possible because of your help.”
“It’s been several weeks since I last saw you and, as promised, I thought I’d let you know how things are with me.
I have used the relaxation disc you gave me most days and I have gained great benefit from it.
I still suffer with pain in my back but I do have days when it is much less painful and I feel my health has benefited with relaxing more and listening to your words.
So, I am grateful for your help and send my best wishes, hoping all is well with you.”
“I just wanted to thank you and let you know how I was getting on after that amazing session with you last Wednesday.
I felt truly unburdened and free, as well as powerful and glorious. I feel I’ve reached a point I’ve been straining towards for years – a point where I have full confidence in who I am and full faith in all that is. And unexpectedly an enormous amount of joy and fun came from it too!
Everyone around me noticed – my interactions with others has changed a lot – no more neediness towards others, just a desire to empower and love them.
So I was on a real high for several days. No more sleeping pills – I just don’t want or need them anymore – and I’m now slowly cutting back on the other medication too.”
“I thought I’d send you a quick email to let you know how I’m doing after our 3 sessions recently.
I started the ( ) Weight Plan shortly after our sessions and I’ve lost 2 stone in 7 weeks!
It’s a very low calorie diet (600 per day everyday) but I have stuck to it religiously and not strayed once! People around me can’t believe I haven’t binged or had a ‘treat’ but I truly have not strayed and reaped the rewards!
I’ve got another 2 and half stone to lose but feel very positive and cannot believe how well this is going for me.
It’s all down to our sessions so I’d like to thank you very much.”