“You’ve got to promote yourself!” said my publisher, lovely Nigel Peace of

I’m not really very good at that, but needs must . . . so for promotional events, I have had a banner made to wave the flag for my book Past Life Healing. Note the emphasis is on the book first and me second!

I shall be at the Psychic & Holistic Fair at the South of England Showground at Ardingly, Sussex, this coming Sunday 27th November. Doors open at mid-day and the event ends at 5pm – £5 entry. Come and say hello – I’m happy to chat about the book (and sell you a copy if you would like, just £8), or to talk about my work in general.

My table will be next to that of Indigo Umbrella, the Science to Spirituality group I run, so you can chat to a couple of Indigos too, if that interests you.
Looking forward to seeing you!





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