We usually buy T-shirts as souvenirs, reminders of happy times in special places.
Sadly, though, we all have other T-shirts: those that are imprinted with all of the programming and put-downs we have received over the years, from parents, teachers and bosses; from lovers and partners; from those in power in “the system”. Careless comments from a trusted teacher can create a wound that oozes insecurity and a sense of not being good enough. Repeated telling off (or worse) from parents invariably create issues that echo through to adult life in the form of anxiety or negativity; fear or perhaps lack of boundaries around appropriate behaviour.
I work with clients to trace the real, underlying root cause of whatever issue brings them to me, be it a fear or phobia or emotional trauma; an abusive relationship or more generalised anxiety. Resolving the issue at source allows the client to take off that restrictive T-shirt and choose a more positive one for the future.
My work is based on hypnotherapy to access the unconscious mind of the client, and it blends past life regression with spirit release and soul retrieval work. Yes, it might sound a bit “out there” – many of my clients say the same thing – but they also say, “Jude, it’s weird, but it works!”
If you know someone who needs a change of T-shirt, give them my numbers, 01444 459 433 or 07597 020 512: I’m always happy to have a chat.